Kabir Bhugtiar

Kabir Bhugtiar

Bachelor of Business (Economics & Finance).

What’s your background?

I lived in Singapore for nearly 20 years, experiencing both local and international schooling systems which sparked my passion for meeting people from different backgrounds. Moving to Australia for university, I studied a Bachelor of Business at RMIT while working in hospitality. This further reinforced my love for engaging with others which ultimately led me to discovering consulting as a career path. Outside of work I am an avid runner having participated in multiple half marathons and ultimately looking to realise the goal of a full marathon. I also love watching sports and follow the UFC religiously. 

Why did you choose Escient?

I chose Escient due to their human centric approach with both their employees and clients. It spoke to me as an individual and touched on my personal values that I wanted to be represented in my workplace.

What did you like about the Graduate recruitment process?

The recruitment process was efficient with constant clear communication. If I was ever in doubt the recruiters were contactable with ease and fast in their response. I further liked how multiple people in the organisation wanted to get to know me on a personal level and wasn’t interested in just my academic achievements, further reinforcing Escient’s human approach.

What is a highlight from your time in the Graduate Program so far?

Seeing the fruits of the work we do with our clients has been a major highlight for me. One particular project involved helping a client streamline their operations, and witnessing the tangible improvements in their efficiency and satisfaction was incredibly rewarding. It reinforced the impact of our efforts and the value we bring to our clients.

What do you think makes a good Escient graduate?

I think a good graduate is someone who isn’t afraid to reach out and ask questions. Consulting can sometimes feel daunting, as jargon from organisation to organisation varies alongside the nature of engagements we are placed on. Escient encourages inquisitiveness and consultants of all levels are always here to help. We only learn from curiosity so that is what I’d encourage future graduates to do.

What has been your biggest achievement so far as an Escient Graduate?

Working alongside one of Escient’s partners – Black Dog Institute, was a major highlight. The institute is one that resonates deeply with me in terms of the work they do and the many people that they help on a daily. I caught myself in a sense of disbelief in one of our first meetings that I was working alongside such an impactful organisation.

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