Anna Jones

Anna Jones

Tell us a bit about yourself. 

I began my career with a business degree, anticipating a graduate role in a high-end office at the ‘flashy end’ of town. However, fate had other plans, and I found myself accepting an HR job at the local meat works – trading a black suit and heels for a white coat and gum boots. This turned out to be the best opportunity I could have been offered – I loved it! I learned numerous life lessons and the value of embracing every challenge. This experience shaped the trajectory of my career, for which I am incredibly grateful. Further study, including a Masters degree, followed along with many great roles within a number of leading businesses.

What led you to consider a career in consulting? 

After accumulating extensive and varied experience in the FMCG industry, I sought a new opportunity to increase the variety and flexibility in my career. Considering my options, I was intrigued by the prospect of consolidating my knowledge and skills to support other organisations. I have always enjoyed the challenge of new opportunities, and a career in consulting offers the dynamic environment and flexibility I love.

Can you share a moment at Escient that made you feel proud to be part of the team?  

I was following Escient’s progress from its inception in 2016. Although an overseas adventure prevented me from joining at that time, when the time was right, I eagerly became a member of the team. Witnessing and contributing to the evolution of such a wonderful business; and being able to support others on their Escient journey, has been a privilege, for which I will always be immensely proud and grateful.

What makes Escient different from other consulting firms?  

It is the profound care we have for each other—the way our team comes together to challenge and support each other. While many organisations claim to place people at the centre of their mission, Escient genuinely delivers on that promise. Our people truly are the heart and soul of our organisation, and it is our Escient-ers, our business, and of course our clients, who benefit.

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