
Forget about forgetting: Conquer learning with these top 5 tips

Published on
04 October 2024
Susie Jones
Susie Jones
Principal Consultant

Do you ever feel like you forget half of what you learn in training by the time you get back to your desk the next day? ‍You are not alone. The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve is a sneaky culprit behind knowledge loss, but fear not! The good news is we can fight back and retain the valuable skills we invest time and resources in acquiring.

The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve

Imagine starting at the top of a very steep skateboard ramp. As soon as you begin, you descend rapidly, similar to how our memory retention drops quickly in the initial period after learning something new. Studies suggest we forget up to 70% of what we learn within a day! Over time, and with reinforcement, the rate of forgetting can slow down and gradually flatten the steep curve. 

So, how do we outsmart this forgetting beast?

Here are my top 5 tips, honed from experience in designing and delivering training, together with industry resources and valuable guidance from Escient learning design experts Marina Fokina and Lumai Tingey.

Pre-game preparation

Don’t walk into training cold. Review provided materials beforehand and prime your brain with relevant articles or videos. This builds a foundation for new information to stick to.

Be an active learner

Put aside the passive notetaking and become a learning sponge. Ask questions, participate in discussions, and connect new concepts to what you already know. The more engaged you are, the better you’ll retain the information.

Space out your reviews

Avoid cramming. Use spaced repetition by reviewing the material a day later, then three days later, and again after a week. This strengthens the information pathways in your brain. Think of it as spaced workouts for your memory.

Teach it forward

Solidify your learning by explaining it to someone else. Summarise it for a colleague, write an article, or even teach it to a pet! Teaching forces you to process and organise the information, leading to deeper understanding.

Apply it in the real world

Apply your newfound knowledge in real-world projects or problem-solving. Practical application makes learning not just memorable, but meaningful.

Proactive learning is key.

Proactive learning is the key to conquering the forgetting curve. By implementing these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a knowledge retention champion!

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