Anthony Tham

Anthony Tham

What initially sparked your interest in consulting?

Two perspectives drew me to consulting. First, I have always had an interest in solving puzzles and problems. My earlier career revolved around engineering, having decided to become an electrical engineer after finishing school. Like engineering, I saw that a consultant’s profession was about understanding problems, finding a way through and generating a solution. Second, I was, and continue to be, attracted to the variety that arises. The variety of the work and clients is a feature that has continued to keep me engaged in the profession for nearly 30 years.

Can you share one highlight from your time at Escient that exemplifies our culture? 

We pursued two initiatives recently: establishing and acting on a Reconciliation Action Plan and seeking to align ourselves with B Corp standards that reflect that we have a role or a place in the community that is more than solely delivering professional services. Our people’s interest in ensuring that we contribute to the community’s broader needs reflects a significant part of our culture. Externally, this perspective of our culture benefits the specific initiatives we engage with and internally helps us remain grounded.

What’s a challenge you’ve tackled at Escient that has taught you something valuable about your team or yourself?

My longevity in the consulting profession suggests that I have experienced a lot, and there are few surprises. The reality is that while there are patterns that repeat, there is always something new that I’m tackling. So, the challenge in this context is finding the best way to get across the topic. What I have experienced is that the breadth and depth of our talent is something you can rely upon. I get a lot of reassurance from having access to our team’s experience and insights.

What’s one initiative or practice at Escient that has enhanced your work-life balance or job satisfaction?

Escient’s adaptability and willingness to make practical adjustments that benefit how our consultants deliver services and support our clients contribute to making our work more satisfying and improving our work-life balance outcomes. This adaptability isn’t a defined practice. It may be more of an attitude, but it is an important one that helps us evolve and adjust to the changing needs of people and clients.

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