Clarissa Wiriadi

Clarissa Wiriadi

Master of Management (Marketing) and Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications).

What’s your background?

I was born and raised in Jakarta and later relocated to Melbourne to pursue my university education. While studying, I gained work experience across several industries, such as financial services, hospitality, and research. These experiences allowed me to realise that I enjoy having variety and tackling problems that challenge my creative problem-solving skills, leading me to pursue a career in consulting. 

Why did you choose Escient?

While thinking about what I want to do after completing my university studies, I reached out to a then-Graduate Consultant for a conversation over coffee. Through that chat I gained a good sense of the organisation’s values and listened to authentic stories that reflected their culture. From then on, I would continuously see how these values live the foundation of their work and enable a supportive environment. I then could envision myself in a consulting role at Escient, supporting their core purpose.

What did you like about the Graduate recruitment process?

From the screening stage to the final assessment, the Graduate recruitment process was a learning opportunity in itself. I felt that it was thoughtfully designed to allow me to enter new areas of focus and reflect on what experiences I want to hone, complemented by constructive feedback from experienced Escient team members. Towards the end, I felt confident that I had found a workplace that will support me into becoming my best self.

What is a highlight from your time in the Graduate Program so far?

I enjoy our weekly learning and development sessions! It’s always nice to catch up with my graduate cohort, discuss our client engagements, and dive into all the new hands-on experiences we’ve gained so far.

What do you think makes a good Escient graduate?

I believe a good Escient Graduate takes on a positive mindset towards jumping into new experiences, challenges, and growth opportunities.

What has been your biggest achievement so far as an Escient Graduate?

I feel fulfilled from having undergone very-many different types of work. From client engagements to large internal projects, I find that there are many opportunities for me to deepen my capabilities, learn from others, and explore what I want my career to be.

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