Mia Squire

Mia Squire

Bachelor of Business (International Business) and Bachelor of Design (Architecture).

What’s your background?

I grew up in Brisbane and recently relocated to Sydney. I pursued a double degree, which made my university journey quite extensive. During this period, I found that travelling and immersing myself in different cultures greatly enriched my experience and provided a refreshing break between semesters. Alongside my studies, I worked part-time in hospitality, admin and retail. These roles, combined with internships, allowed me to explore a broad range of industries. This exposure ignited my interest in diverse topics and areas, ultimately drawing me towards the varied nature of consulting.

Why did you choose Escient?

There were a variety of reasons why Escient stood out as a workplace but it was their purpose that initially drew me in. From the first interaction with an Escient employee, I could tell that their values were something they actually implemented and stood by, this was important to me and refreshing to see.

What did you like about the Graduate recruitment process?

The Escient recruitment process was by far the best I have ever experienced. The regular communication allowed me to feel in control and prepared for every step of the process. The P&C team were also super friendly which made the whole process a lot less daunting.

What is a highlight from your time in the Graduate Program so far?

So far, the graduate program has been extremely supportive and quite fun! From various interactions with senior leaders, it’s become clear that our main objective this year is just to learn and slowly grow into our consulting careers. Having a smaller grad cohort has also been great as you can build those relationships and rely on each other for support. Overall the highlight has been getting to work with a variety of clients and learn from many different consultants, I have had exposure to so much in such a short time and get to learn every day from the people around me.

What do you think makes a good Escient graduate?

I think a good Escient Graduate is someone curious and not afraid to be wrong. Additionally being a genuine person goes a long way in this organisation, so being able to highlight your values and what makes you, you is really important.

What has been your biggest achievement so far as an Escient Graduate?

While I am proud of the tangible work I have accomplished, my most significant personal achievement has been my ability to connect and build relationships with clients and colleagues. Being naturally introverted and previously very shy, I have pushed myself to attend external networking events and organise coffee catch-ups with new people, all of which have been incredibly rewarding. As much as this is a personal achievement, the supportive and approachable nature of everyone at Escient has made this journey even more fulfilling.

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